Monday, September 22, 2008

Still Life With Three Puppies, by Paul Gaughin, 1888

I think that the still life puppies has the most interesting composition because of it's overall view. I think this because for a couple of reasons for one it's balance. It shows the puppies at the top of the painting drinking out of a bowl, at the bottom of the painting you see chalices and a bowl of fruit. The bowl of fruit is emphasized with it's size and the colors used to attract the viewers attention. Although the name of the painting is about the puppies I think the fruit is more emphasized than the puppies considering the puppies are in the background. The painting is mostly done in dull and cool colors except the fruit which is a warm color. The balance of this painting is for the most part even because the way it's painted we can see the puppies are in the background with cups around them and in contrast to the bowl it is even.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Studies in smallness: Finished paintings

These are my two finished paintings.
I struggled with finding the right colors for the shadows and the highlights because i wasnt too experienced with using oil paints. I felt successful about the shadows that i came out with because i had great help from Ms. Roberts

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Homework 1

Giorgio Morandi's and Van Gogh's subject matter are somewhat alike, even though they do go about their paints in two very differenrent ways. They both paint vases but Van Gogh has flowers in his and morandi's had cylinder shapes . Van Gogh uses warmmer colors to give more of spring time feel. In Marandi's paintings he used very bland and neutral colors it gave you more of a colder feel than Van Gogh's painting. Morandi also uses different shades of his colors to add very detailed shadows.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Skills As an Artist

One of my skills as an artist is to be able to easily think of concepts to convey big ideas.

Why I'm Taking Oil Painting

I am taking oil painting to further my artistic knowlege and skills. This class will better prepare me to undergo the college process and will help by adding works of art to my portfolio.