A portrait is a piece that shows a person mostly their face or their body.

Georgia O'Keeffe by Alfred Stieglitz
The artist uses a close up view for an intimate composition and the person in the photo uses her hands and jacket to add complexity and subject matter to the photo. This photo coincides with the definition of a portrait that i gave. The colors of this photo is somewhat a sepia tone that gives it a gloomy feeling.

Jacob Lawrence
The artist who made this painting used very vibrant colors to give a very bright mood. The painting does fit within the definition of a portrait because of the subject matter of the persons face and so me of their body.

Chuck Close
In this painting the small squares with different tones put together make the highlights and the shadows of this painting therefor creating the face. This painting does Also fit within the parameters of the definition of a portrait.
how have these artists communicated something other than what the person looks like?
the souroundings in the painting have communicated what the persona likes to do in one. The composition has communicated the mood in the photograph
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